46 dedicated partners
across Europe

Reducing food loss and waste through is no easy task.

That is why 46 partners from 16 countries across the European continent have joined forces and are working together to find new, innovative ways to help the transition of our current food systems in the €12 million EU project ZeroW (2022 - 2025).

The project funded under the Green Deal call of the Horizon Programme 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 101036388). 

The partners collaborate on

  • Creating innovative solutions to reduce food waste through systemic innovation 9 systemic innovation living labs across Europe.
  • Developing commercial, digital tools and instruments that contribute to the achievement of food waste reduction targets
  • Contributing to the European Commission’s ongoing legislative initiatives in the area of food waste reduction

Across all of Europe

46 partners

Latest news

Lessons from Spain with ZeroW

Lessons from Spain with ZeroW

Project partners and SILL4 partners traveled to Barcelona to gain insights into innovative approaches to reducing food loss, redistributing surplus, and fostering sustainability in the food system.