SILL5 Capacity Building Activity: Workshop on Food Waste Reduction Reducing food loss and waste is a critical challenge in the fresh produce sector, and engaging those who work directly in the supply chain is essential to finding effective solutions. Read article
Insights from SILL 6: Digital Innovation to Reduce Food Waste in Poultry Processing Food waste is a major challenge in the poultry industry, where outdated methods and limited digitalization make it difficult to monitor and reduce losses. Read article
Insights from SILL 5: Tackling Ugly Food Waste with Cutting-Edge Innovation Food waste is a persistent challenge in Europe, with approximately one-third of the EU's agricultural production discarded as “ugly food” due to imperfections, despite being perfectly edible. Read article
Lessons from Spain with ZeroW Project partners and SILL4 partners traveled to Barcelona to gain insights into innovative approaches to reducing food loss, redistributing surplus, and fostering sustainability in the food system. Read article
ZeroW Combatting Food Waste at the holidays The holiday season is for togetherness, indulgent meals, and celebration. Unfortunately, it is also a peak time for food waste in households across Europe. The ZeroW project is shedding light on innovative solutions to tackle food waste during the holiday Read article
Makeathon for Food and Dietetics students Food and Dietetics students develop innovative products from residual streams during Makeathon. Read article
ILVO and SETU Pursue Patent for Innovative Decision Support System ILVO and SETU, are pursuing a patent application in Belgium for a groundbreaking decision support system. Read article
Insights from Living Lab8 Turning waste into value: How can Chlorella vulgaris upcycle food waste? Read article
ZeroW partner Digiotouch attended the OSPOs for Good symposium Digiotouch attended the OSPOs for Good symposium in New York and talked about key areas of open source policy Read article
The art of turning wasted food into umami A Danish start-up called Reduced are turning wasted food into umami Read article